bing, Bing, BING! We have a winner!

Oct 15, 2008 11:22

One thing I am pleased with? Perhaps not above all else, but up there? And I don't think it is (just) because they are more recent memories, but I am happiest with two marathons (Austin this year; StG this year) that aren't even my fastest time(s)/PRs. 18 months ago I would never have dreamt such a thing!

I may have become Process Oriented!?!

Leading into Summer '07, I was disappointed coming off a Winter running season where I felt at best benign about hitting time (outcome) goals (because they were "expected") and morose about missing them -- no enjoyment anywhere. And that defined everything, they drove me. I've changed the way I approach my athletics (outcome -> process), and was going to add "but, hey, it hasn't hurt that I've hit all my (outcome) goals recently" ... when another thought wandered through the meat-synapses, d'uh!, the outcomes have come from the process :) Literally, as I was thinking "I've become more process focused than outcome focused" I was already letting a thought drift through my mind that "Yeah, but ... you've made all the times you wanted, so with that as the backdrop, anything seems rosy ..." when the two thoughts collided, inverted, the Universe turned inside out and it became "Whoa! I've become process oriented, and the outcome has followed" :)


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