Where's that horse that I need to put this cart in front of?

Aug 12, 2008 11:57

Putting the horse before the cart

shubbe and 
nemolucas were already swimming when I arrived at Barton Springs Pool this morning. IronBarbara was testing out her new speedsuit (a kind of wetsuit with no buoyancy; allowed in wetsuit-illegal races). 
triman -- ha! another baldBritMark -- theotherbaldMark and I (
Three bald Marks,
Three bald Marks.
See how they swim,
See how they swim!

They all swam after
The farmer's wife
She cut off their wetsuits
With a carving knife
Did you ever see
Such a sight in your life
As three bald Marks?) swimming together. The chat at the (long!) pauses at the crack turning to the Austin Triathletes' Open Water Swim on this upcoming Sunday. I wondered aloud, again, but this time to a different audience, whether the nifty prize (Rocket Science speed suit) for the top male Master (40+ year old) in the 2.4 mile swim (same prize too for top female Master, and top Male overall and top female overall (no, I don't know what happens if the top fe/male overall is also a Master!)) would draw all of Austin's top (real-)swimmers ... not just us triathlete swimmers. Or whether, frankly, I could win it ;-) After a quick finger-checking count-off of so many, more accomplished, male 40+ swimmers than I even knew about, the friendly consensus was that I didn't stand a snowman's balls' chance in hell. Oh well, maybe thoughts in that direction were counting the chickens before the eggs hatched in the cart that was placed before the horse.

Swam 4 crack-laps as befitting a recovery week, sharing drafting duties with theotherbaldMark. We were "out of sync" with AnyB and Courtney so didn't get too long of a draft-train going this week. *sigh* do I really need to get there at 6 next week to get in a longer draft-train?


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