BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby BABY baby
whew- happy now, back to work.
Short term catchup- post Aunt visit stoof:
- cat box (thanks dad)
- laundry (thanks pipi hose monster nephew I adore)
- mail Cami's toy (thanks lameass, childbearing sister)
- deposit checks from mom & sister (yay cash)
- lunch with Mindaletta and citrons for her mom (thanks Mindy!)
- baby pics transfer & post (thanks stinking optio POC camera)
- bathroom trash outside (thanks AGAIN dad)
- buy groceries (thanks fridge)
- watch "shortbus" (thanks John Cameron Mitchell)
- scrub tub (thanks....ummm....grungy me)
New LT items:
- take truckload to slash site
- rake endless driveway
- BUY BED (includes countless hours shopping for best one, yawn)
- clean car: detail, vacuum and treat leather
- hie thine ass to Rhiannon's gym and use free trial period before expires (the certificate, not aforementioned hiney)
Five things I've been putting off for months but want done
1. take the 2 "bad" chairs from house to storage (boat house?)
2. call locksmiths for re-keying and door to dad's computer room
3. investigate reduced drainage from worm composter
4. load camera software onto at least ONE of the computers in my life (LOL) and investigate alternate power options (since the bugger eats 2 AA batteries in less than 24 hours)(investigation may include shopping for replacement)
5. sort houseplants and address their needs (IMMINENT DEATH--aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
The same, for the JORB
1. take June's load of fluorescent light tubes to transfer station
2. turn in 106 application (+$5,000)
3. turn in GAP application
4. Status letter for septic assessment grant (mailed return receipt/ copy to Fiscal folder)
5. transfer iTunes files from old HD to current *IT GUY IS HUGE FLAKE! argh! (update: got cord, thing still not working, have to find someone to haul HD to network ofc. ratholes!)