Saw this going around and decided to give it a shot:
How to explain this? Okay, so take all your character journals and list 'em. Then explain why you picked that LJ name for them/story behind the LJ name/etc. etc.
whyicouldntfly From the song "The Demon in Me" from the season 2 episode "S is for Self"--it's pretty much his theme throughout the Shagon arc. He sings it when Shagon gives him a little more control over their mind and body temporarily so they can get through band practice. The look on Matt's face as he's rubbing the last few lyrics in Shagon's face is priceless.
every_thorn In the season 1 finale "The Hunted," Jake hints to Huntsgirl (originally named Thorn, but when they saw that DC already owned a Rose/Thorn character, they nerfed it and she became Huntsgirl) that he knows her identity, telling her "Every thorn has gotta have a rose."
summersunflower I'd originally been thinking to try something along the lines of summer twilight, but all those names were taken. I still wanted "summer," since when we first see her, it's the end of summer, so I took "sunflower" from her flower design on her D-Comm and outfit and the fact that I'm planning on using Sunflowmon as Floramon's Adult level.