massive update -chop chop chop

Feb 15, 2006 11:37

Jan 20th - Busy putting together a DJ Battle with my club (HUCS)

Jan 27th - Big night comes. Don't drink enough beer. D.D ...sorta.. Saw as handleful of ppl I wish I didn't have to have seen. Retarded brawl breaks out in the Huntington Social Center. Good times all around. Saw my talented friend and first little boyfriend in grade 7 lol spin. Finally.

Jan 28th - Went ice fishing for the first time in forever pretty much. Went out in the middle of an massive snow storm. Thank god for GPS. Kevin showed me how to fish and I caught 4! Nearly didn't make it back home. Jumped 6 feet of open water and managed to pull of 4 of the 6 feet. Night time isen't the greatest for seeing cracks in the lake.

Jan 29th -30th - Growing irritatation with best friend Christine who leaches on when it comes to school and is totally unmotivating to be around.

Feb 1st - Asked to spearhead the Young Proffesionals Association of Sudbury with Holly. Hello connections.

Feb 2nd - COURT DATE - Accident from July - Went in charged with careless driving left with blowing a red. Accident happen, thank god for that. Lost my wallet at school snd went to Respects with Christine. Ran into Sean and collaborated YPA with HUCS. We had a synergistic moment.

Feb 3rd - Off to T.O I go with Kevin with the free nights accomodation and Raptors/Nicks ticketsd I won at work. SNOW STORM OF THE CENTURY. Saw the game..and realized I like hockey much more than basketball. Had a great time with Kev Kev.

Feb 4th- went to Whitby to see Kev's relatives

Feb 5th - Got stuck in the bad weather and had to blow off work in Sudbury.

Feb 14th- went to sturgeon for a dinner party. good times

So hear's a thought.

I work hard at what I do and because of that I am rewarded with little things here and there. After speaking with the owner of Respect is Burning and telling him how much buisness I send to him from the HOliday Inn he sends me 2 free 4 course meals. So right away I tell my best friend this and tell her that I'd be more than willing to bring her with me. I casually sent her an e-mail yesturday asking her is she was ok with bying drinks since I was grabbing dinner...He response although not surprising to me leaves room for thought... She replied saying....well didn't you get those meals from in the mail?

I've had these for a while and she's mentioned before " Well I'm broke how about we use those tickets of yours to go eat at respects?"
or " We'll I'll go out for dinner only if it's at Respects and we use those tickets"

Along the line I've gotten free tickets to the Theater and many other little perks and she got mad at me when I gave those tickets away for for my club at school as a door prize....

Should she be nice enough to grab the drinks at dinner....and by drinks I mean maybe one glass of wine and a cofee each? TALK ABOUT CHEAP.

Should I just cancel and find someone else who isen't so selfish?

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