Dec 14, 2005 11:09
Well I'm done exams and I have to say I'm not so proud of myself. I know I did great in my exams but what I do not isb that I didnt not do amazingly great. What I mean by this is that I know everything I needed to know but answered everything in a really half ass way. Sigh. I could have hit 90's but I just wasen't feeling it.
On the work front I'm like the trooper of the year. With becoming the Chair for the Hospitality Commitee I'm intimidating myself. I get shit done and I love it. I get ppl to do things for me and I love it. I'm going to bring on many changes and increases in revunue for the hotel and I and on a roll!
I'm sorta nervous about my meeting today.
But i need to ask myself...if I can be so charged at work and (schoool) then why can't I be so motivated at home? I've been telling myself for the last year that toning up would happen and clearly it has not! Luckily I've maintain my weight for about 2 and a half years now but its time for a change and some new pants!
So my goal until the new year is to stick to my guns and apply what I do at work to my home life.
Things will the boy are great. Enough said.
I guess I should drive back to Sudbury as I am in STurgeon and forgot my power shoes at home. LOVE the power shoes. Charge me up baby!