
Aug 05, 2007 07:21

Haven been updating about my lifE!

Things that are done!
- WISP reflection
- TD individual assignment
- CSC report to be handed in

These are all works...sighs... Luckily i have frenz to keep me away from stress..=)

Well, firstly, i wanna comment tt movie i watched today in school... ' Edward Scissorhand" it was such a sad sad movie..

it got me cried for a few times.. It directly affect my mood for the rest of my sad and pity him!! Dun have hands, hurting himself... haiz..

Poor thing... He got someone he love but he cant have her... so sad...The most craziest thing is that the whole neighbourhood tot tt he is highly dangerous which i think he is juz a very poor and sad creature.. a nice and old movie..=) movie marathon at syl's house was cool..hahax.. We managed to watch juz the first movie and part of second movie..heex..

We ate the nice and yummy-licious peach tarts from HAN'S...

peahy isnt it?

after movie marathon , of cuz is photo-taking session.. =)

lovely .. Hima/syl/bin gang...heeex..

our cutesy pose..

EMO -ing with syl..hahax..


i simply love that day..thanks for alwayz being there..heex..

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