this is n0t an apollogy...sp?

May 30, 2003 22:20

0k here g0es::

i d0nt want n e 1 t0 think that this is an ap0ll0gy...b/c it isnt!

0k first
melissa:...well 0k...l0l..0k humm...l0l..0k well im just g0nna start fr0m the begining!...0k d0nt take n e 0f this 0ffensive...first i met u thr0ugh jessie...n i didnt like u t0 be straight up fr0nt!...humm then i actuall met u! l0l...n u were kewl ...then cheerleading began...n like idk...u never dr0ped me...i trusted u!n like at that pep rally that `1 time...( i kn0w this is kina wierd t0 read but..0hh well...kinda creapy t00) but n e i fell n walked 0ff..(n0 i wasnt the 1 wh0 fell a that rally ..i was amart n f ell b 4 n e 1 was ther)l0l n lik u came n was like d0nt w0rry...da da n0t sure ...but like u were the -0nly 1 there!...i felt like ..idk ...l0l...n yea...then all this crap n im just g0nna say this! n0t l00king f0r an apollogy!...n im not giving 1 ...just f0r the plain fact that im not s0rry...n i d0nt thik u r either!..n s0 yea..i just want this ALL t0 b 0ver letting it 0ut n0w!..i kn0w i said sum shyt!..i kn0w u said s0me t0...were even!..thats just the way im l00king at it....
d0nt b mad ab0ut the wh0le cheerleading thing...i i kn0w u will b ...but n0t really sure what t0 say..but d0nt give up...sh0w them that they sh0uld 0f put u 0n V sh0w them up!......but im n0t u...s0 d0 w/e u feel!

cayce: 0kay n0w!...l0l ahah...idk i really dint kn0w u all that well in the first place..humm...l0l jp ahha..well yea..met u thr0ugh cheerleading...same thign w/ melissas...l0l humm...we b0th said shit ...even?...n0 ap0ll0gy...d0nt need 1...u said what u think did what u said n th0ught what u felt..idk it makes sence t0 me!...well thats really all i had t0 say t0 u

n yes..thanx 4 makin meh a fighter!

n again d0nt take this evily..(is that a w0rd)., just sayin what i need t0!

and im decided that im g0nna make muh LJ public again ...cuz i d0nt really care wh0 reads it n if they have sumthin t0 say..i respect that ...but plez d0nt c0m en here w/ sum wack ass c0mments!
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