Aug 20, 2010 04:22
Person A meets Person B
yada yada yada and they create
Person C,
cycle continues
and now we've met
the first 9 people of the alphabet,
Person C marries Person D
(from a different family don't sweat it)
and create the first two letters
of their own alphabet,
Years later, the love of the two
will become the love of one
and life will end thusly.
Person D meets person D
and create the A and B
of their own alphabet,
Years later, the hatred of one
will destroy the
love of one
and marriage will end thusly,
Person E meets Person D
and create the A and B
of their own alphabet,
Years later, the dissolution of one
will spiral outwardly
with no help
from the other
and marriage will end thusly,
Person F meets Person ?,
I apologize for my lack of knowledge,
just roll with it,
Person F and ? create the A
of their alphabet,
Years later, well,
some news can't be spread,
Happy to inform
that F and ? are still married,
in love and together
slowly humbling A,
Person G meets Person ?
and decide on no alphabet,
and no marriage,
Years later, Person G
gets sick, the Big C,
and it ends thusly,
Person H meets Person ?
and make the A and B
of their own alphabet.
cycle repeats...
This is life,
Letters, Alphabets,