(no subject)

May 02, 2006 08:02

I hate IPods, so…why am I listening to one -.-, what a wonderful question. Okay unless you read Twitch’s post then this post will mean nothing to you.
But in reply to Billy’s post I want to ask a totally unfair question to him because I honestly believe that if things keep up this way your going to fall so deep into a hole that your not going to be able to get out :\ You can’t stay in that house hun. She’s bad for you and so is Mark, obviously I’m sure you know this. Just take the kitty, your stuff and get out. I already told you that you can come stay with me but ugh x.x;…

Anyway, lighter notes, happier tidings:
I love this song :\
My grades are down from A's to D's
I'm way behind in history
I lost myself in fantasies
Of you and me together

I don't know why - I - I but dreaming's all I do
I won't get by-I-I on mere imagination

Upside down
Bouncing off the ceiling
Inside out
Stranger to this feeling
Got no clue what I should do
But I'll go crazy if I can't get next to you

My teacher says to concentrate
So what- his name was Peter the Great
The kings and queens will have to wait
Cuz I don't have forever

I wish that I - I - I could walk right up to you
Each time I try- I-I the same old hesitation

Upside down
Bouncing off the ceiling
Inside out
Stranger to this feeling
Got no clue what I should do
But I'll go crazy if I can't get next to you

Somehow someday
You will love me too
One day will be the day when all my dreams come true

last edit -.-
Work Habits -
[]With other people around

[When working Alone]
[Listen to - Everything
[Multi task - Yes
[Focus on one thing - no

[When working with others]
[Organized - Yes
[Controling - :x sometimes
[Things get done on time - yes

[Play List]
[Rap - mhm
[Rock - :P Naturally
[Techno - haha of course
[Punk - Yeps
[Dance - yepp
[Other - Salsa xD

[Right now]
[Current project - Anti Flag Website for Stroy
[Its coming along - Good, its done heh
[Listening to - Bump Bump Bump - B2k
[Does it inspire you - uhm..sorta but not for web design :D
[Thinking about - Doomie and that damn picture she sent me *>.>*
[Eating - Nothing, dont eat this early.
[Drinking - Coffee :33
[Doing other then work - Filling out stupid quiz?
[I would rather...- Go dancing or sleep and you have no idea how close those are in comparison >.>

[You feel]

[This quiz was...- O.o...a quiz bah dum chh ^ ^
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