Nov 25, 2004 00:27
Sooo, Steve's buying too much pot. Like, $50 dollars worth a day. If he could afford it, or afford to be stoned all the time, that'd be fine by me. But he has a job and debts. And, he's started selling some shit to make up for what he couldn't really afford to buy. In fact, he does that every time he buys a bag. He always has the shit. And, I can't help it. I'm not going to go over there and hang out with him while he's stoned and acting like a mindless boob. Unless of course, I fire my own self up. So, I told him that he's not gonna do this shit anymore, or I'm not going over there anymore. I mean to some extent anyways. I'm not gonna un friend him or something because he's going to fuck up his life eventually or end up in jail. whatever.