Yes, I Know, I'm Way Behind, BUT . . .

Nov 03, 2008 22:25

Ugh! Over two months since my last post?! Well, not a lot of great interest has been happening, really, and I've been a bit mopey-moody again of late, but I should put something together to let folks know I'm still alive and breathing here.

Just not today. :p (Ah, the joys of being a skilled procrastinator!)

Yes, I know, anyone who's been anywhere near this country for the past several months is probably sick to death of the elections right now. You and me both. All told, though, I'd rather live someplace where I can be sick to death of elections, than never have the opportunity.

So, that said, count me among the many others urging you other American citizens who are eligible to vote until you're beyond sick of hearing about it to go out and VOTE tomorrow. Pretty please? I don't care if you're voting for the people I am, or for someone else, so long as you vote for the people you think will best do the job in moving the country toward what you think it should be.

I ask this, because, in my opinion, it's not the Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Constitutionalists, conservatives, liberals, reactionaries, revolutionaries, or even Ralph Nader who are destroying our country and killing democracy. It's the apathetic souls who don't even bother, griping that their vote doesn't matter for anything, anyway, then proceed to spend the next four years whining about whomever is in power. Yeah, of course your vote doesn't count for anything, because YA DIDN'T VOTE, GENIUS!

So, please, folks, I know it's a pain, but if even an old procrastinator like me can get off my duff and vote -- already have, actually, thanks to Oregon's nifty vote-by-mail system -- anyone can. Every vote counts. Every one.

(And, besides, if you live in Washington County, and don't vote, then that means I helped set up all those stupid computers at the County Elections Office for nothing! *mutter*)

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