I've intended to get this done for a few weekends now, keep getting kicks in the butt from folks who want me to keep this darned thing updated, but, well, time just sort of keeps getting away from me. So, now it's actually a Monday, and I am off early from work because I had to go in early. I hate waking up early, but, I have to admit, the little bit of extra chill-out time after work is nice, and gives me some time to work on stuff like this. So, let's see what I can put together here to take advantage of this bit of time and energy I have.
So, yeah, another long gap between updates. I'll get right to where I left things last time, as that seems to have become something of a cliff-hanger for some: The background check went just fine, so I am now officially a guv'mint employee. Yay, me! Since then, let's just say that overhearing the team manager say, "Well, he hasn't quit yet," followed by her coming out to tell me something else I need to add to my workload, so they can get "caught up" from falling behind, which is an almost daily occurence. :\ I am now, on top of my regular duties, everyone's backup, to the point of where folks are now complaining because I'm too busy covering someone else's workload to cover theirs. *dry chuckle* It also gets aggravating sometimes that the fact that they are quite "family-friendly" often means that they are "singles-screwing". Of course I have to cover another person's workload! This guy here's little girl wants to go to the beach on two day's notice! And this one here has to stay home for a week or so, so that the flock of children can be cared for while each and every one of them catches the bug du jour. We can't have them neglecting their families, now, can we? *mutter* I shouldn't complain, as it is nice that they do care so much about families -- hey, maybe I might actually have one to be concerned about . . . *snerk* yeahright -- and I'm still feeling pretty fortunate to have this gig. It does leave me very tired and not necessarily feeling very accomplished most days, though, when I get home.
No, not even a lot of energy for games, chatting on Rabbit's costuming room or general gabbing with folks, but I try to spend a night a week on each, at least, as those are my main social outlets at present. Been having a hard time with that of late -- being sociable, that is -- and the lack of energy is probably part of the deal there, too. I'm pretty private by nature, so being sociable takes quite a bit of energy. Lousy thing is, I get to feeling lonely as heck. Been feeling that a lot of late. Vicious catch-22, that.
Life's been going good, really. Right after my last post, I had a fantastic weekend. I left my keys at work -- hold on, it DOES get better -- and, though I have a backup set, I wasn't 100% sure I'd left them at work, so I hit the train Saturday to go back to work and see if they were there, on the off-chance I needed to start making phone calls to Tri-Met or something. Thankfully, yes, they were, so I got back on the train, figuring on trying to catch a movie or something. (I have been going to a LOT of movies lately; Saturday has sort of become my "movie day", much like Tuesday nights used to be, way back when.) But on the train, I heard this elderly couple talking, saying that the Starlight Parade for the Rose Festival was happening that night, so I went downtown and enjoyed the festival and parade instead. Had a ball with that! They even had those guys who do the Imperial Guard thing from Star Wars in it, complete with Jedi with glowing light sabres and the whole nine yards. Everything had to have lights, after all.
The next day was even more awesome, though, as I went out with some folks from work to see one of my all-time favorite bands, Rush! I have always wanted to see them, always hear about what an incredible show they put on, and, man, now I can say myself that they do put on an awesome show! Neil Peart, as always, put on an AWESOME drum solo, this one during YYZ, Alex Lifeson's guitar work was incredible -- how he can bounce from one stringed instrument to another so seamlessly is just mind-boggling -- and Geddy Lee . . . LOL! Wipe that chicken off ye'r face an' git out tharrrrrr! Is there someone in the business who seems to have as much fun getting up there as that guy does?
(And, before you answer that, watch this video.)
Click to view
Gee, that was fun. ;)
More recently, I also had a wonderful July 4th get-together up at Kiefer and Fire's, up near Seattle, and that was a blast, figuratively and literally. Still picking firecracker bits out of my car. :) Saw some folks I've seen at AFF a few times but haven't had a chance to talk with much 'til then, and even saw someone I'd gabbed with online a while back who used to live in one of my old stomping grounds. (Hi, Leah!) And it was nice to just get up there and veg for a day or two, and gab and hang out with Fire, Kiefer and the kitty cats. So very thankful for that. And I got to play Portal! I won! Yay! All right, probably wouldn't without Kiefer's help, but I won! :) And I still have to go back up there so they can show me the place at the Market where they got that spiffy orange tea, and check out the Uwajimaya up that way! Next time. :)
Aside from that, it's been pretty well down to a routine here. Monday through Friday? Work. Evenings, after dinner and vegging out a bit? Mondays or Wednesdays, I'll try to get on for a game. Mondays or Fridays, I usually when I try to hit Rabbit's costuming chat room. Tuesday I'll often hit the farmers market near work, then get home and gab with folks. Thursday, I usually try to stay away from the computer for sanity's sake, maybe try to go to sleep early. Friday, I just do what I want, be it gaming, hitting the chat room, gabbing in IM's . . . and try to catch up with people. Then there's the weekend, with Saturdays tending to be movie and errands, and occasionally go-out-and-be-social stuff, and Sundays are for doing my best to get to church -- sadly, not doing well there; again, waking up early, particularly on weekends, is an area in which I have difficulty -- and doing housework and stuff to get ready for the weekend ahead, like laundry. A little room for spontaneity and flexibility, but not a lot of energy for it.
Also still feels like I'm spreading myself too thin, which it feels even more so when I get people coming back at me about how little I am around. Mergh . . . I'm sorry! I really am accessible most times, if you know where to look for me, particularly for someone for whom hiding seems to come naturally. :/ Still, I suck, I know.
Not a lot of note that I can think of right at the moment. More might come up later. Really need to do shorter, more numerous updates, don't I? Why do I feel the need to write these monsters once a month or two? Dunno. The wanna-be journalist in me, I suppose. Anyway, thanks for reading, and Jethric, Mhari, Fire, Zefel, XJ and others, thanks for the kicks in the butt. Nice to know someone reads this mess. ;)