Feb 02, 2008 21:44

I just couldn't let the day go past. I have one of those goofy traditions where I actually break out the movie "Groundhog Day" and watch it, as I'm doing right now. Ah, romantic comedies. Gotta love 'em.

And, by the way, it looks like it'll be another six weeks of winter. Can't say I'm terribly surprised. Been a chilly one here! Not a lot of snow here, but, well, as Philly has predicted, winter ain't over.

FC? More in-depth con report coming soon, most likely. For now, though, I'll just say it was my best FC yet! Dealer Room and Furry Market Place ran the smoothest they have since I started working with Jethric and Ayukawataur, and I still managed some time to get in contact -- albeit rather brief for much of the con, as I couldn't really sit still for a minute or two during business hours -- with old friends, and make a few new ones. And see probably the most jaw-droppingly sweetly gorgeous mouse suit I've ever seen, and such a nice person, too. (Check out her site's gallery here.) *wistful sigh* I want a mousie like that! *chuckle*

Anyhew, along with cons, comes the con crud, and I held it off as long as I could, though being stuck on help desk because most of the primary people were out didn't help. At least folks who called tended to calm down from being mad when they heard me rasping away in my fading voice trying to help them. Clobbered me totally this morning, though. At least it's Saturday, and I didn't have any plans for today, anyway, except rest. Looks like my body decided it wanted to make sure I stayed good on that.

Odd side question: Anyone use Skype? I actually stuck it on my Mac back when I did my big upgrade of it many months ago, and I like it much better than when I tried it on the PC ages ago. Also, CompUSA -- which is going out of business, for the most part -- is dumping off their WiFi phones, and I managed to pick up a WiFi Skype phone for cheap, so I'll be messing with that, now, too. Anyway, might be fun if anyone out there wants to gab or something.

Back to watching the movie now, slurping my chicken noodle soup, and gulping down kiwi-strawberry juice. More details another time soon. :)
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