Jan 24, 2009 00:23
40 hour work weeks really aren't bad. As long as there's things to do, the time flies by.
Here's what my days have been (give or take) for the past 2 weeks.
-Wake up at 7.
-Get to work for 7:30.
-Daily report on the server infrastructure (make sure nothing serious happened) followed up by a walk through the data center to make sure no servers blew up in the middle of the night.
-Clean my inbox, look at support tickets, resolve as many as I can.
-Around 9 I usually go downstairs to grab something to drink with breakfast, like chocolate milk or apple juice or something.
-Finish up any projects I had laying around from the previous day. Also, launch software deployments to our environments for people in Development. If it's a slow day, I'll work on more support tickets, but odds are there isn't many.
-Either I try to sit down with another employee to learn about something new, meetings, or brush up on other stuff.
-Usually its about 12, so the other co-ops and I go down for lunch until 12:30-12:40.
-Go back to my desk, finish working on whatever I was doing before.
-Start working on something new.
-If I'm looking for a snack or something (a walk?) at 3 or so, I'll hop downstairs again for a minute.
-Work until 4, or when I leave.
The great thing is, I can just go in and work. I get paid to learn. There's nothing better than that. Also, having a team that stands behind your decisions and is willing to work with you is also great.
I really enjoy work, but I hate the snap backs to reality I've been having. For some reason, I'm still really unhappy. I know exactly why too. Sure, it's selfish, but I think I'm entitled this once. I do like feeling wanted too, you know. Feeling second-best is something I really don't want to be in your eyes anymore, dammit. Why can't I be your number one? There's just so many things that I want to tell you, but I'm afraid of looking like a complete fool.
I still haven't gotten a replacement hard drive yet. Hell, Western Digital hasn't even acknowledged getting my malfunctioned part. I'm not really sure how I'm going to re-build my computer, but I may be beta-testing Windows 7.
All in all, I guess the word "mopey" can summarize my personality lately. When I'm at home I just sort of...mope around. The feeling is horrible. I think I have an inferiority complex of sorts.