Interview! (Not the job kind)

Dec 10, 2008 20:42

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them 5 questions.

Questions asked by danibel!

1. Define your ideal friendship. Do you meet your own expectations of how someone else ought to treat you? I feel as if my ideal friendship is complicated, yet can be extremely simple. To me, my ideal friendship involves honesty and a willingness by both parties to maintain the friendship. This can be simple as it doesn't require much to remain sustained, but difficult as many other things in life can interfere with it. Most of the time, I lose friends just due to the ways of life weeding them out. As for meeting my own expectations, I really hope I do. If someone is willing to be a loyal friend, I will try my hardest not to let them down. I know I've let people down in the past, but hopefully while I was that person's friend, I met my expectations for them.

2. If you had ten days to live, what would you make sure you did? If you did all those things, would you feel like you led a fulfilled (albeit short) life? What would you be sad you missed out on? One of the first things I would definitely do is community service, at least one last time. I used to love doing it, and I regret not being able to do it more often. I'd want to make amends for the people I've hurt in the past without meaning to. I'm really not totally sure how to finish answering this. I've been sitting here for ten minutes thinking of something and I really don't know.

Wait. I don't want to die a virgin, dammit.

3. When was the last time you saw someone else crash and burn? Was it deserved? Was it satisfying to see? The last time someone crashed and burned in my life had to be one of the most difficult things I've had to deal with, to be perfectly honest. It involved my best friend and a falling-out from a relationship, and it ended up resulting with him just "shutting down", so to speak. When I say that I was afraid that I'd lose him, I wasn't kidding. He wasn't responding to any sort of messages at all for a good long while. It made relationships with both myself and everyone else extremely strained. I felt devastated for him - I don't feel that anyone deserves to sink to a low like that. Sure, it's only a relationship, but we all have our buttons that, once pushed, can get us to sink that low.

4. What's a contemporary controversial issue that you have strong feelings about? Are you hesitant to share those feelings, or do you openly share them? A strong issue that I have a fairly strong issue about is sexuality. Honestly, I have never really seen a problem with it; you are what you are, I guess. I think the fact that someone in my life (I won't mention who) had an enormous problem with it for no reason has made me somewhat hesitant to talk about my opinions towards that matter, at least with him. I don't mind talking about issues like that though.

5. If you could be famous for something, what would it be? This is a tough one to answer too, because I really would not want to be famous at all. I suppose if I had to choose, it'd be either something career-related or something silly, like, "hey, it's that guy who can *fill in the blank*".
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