I think this is week 10 of my semester. Consequently, EVERYTHING is due this week. I'm currently staring at 2 papers of moderate length (yeah, yeah, 5 pages, but it's a lot to an IT major), a presentation on Virtualization (testing this is actually really fun), and a Comp Arch exam on Wednesday (hopefully I have the same luck as I did on the last one).
Class registration is this week, and my options look Java and Lit free, which I'm happy about. Actually, there's a night class for Advanced Visual Basic that I'm hearing is going to be great. I was never big into coding of any sort, but I figure that I liked VB more, its flexible and fun, and I can get more out of it. Plus, anything beats Java, right? Either way, if I take it, then I have my CIS part of my major completely done with.
Personal problems. I really think I should just chill a little bit, that I should just take a step back and think before I commit anything at all. When I'm at that point where I'm over-analyzing every little thing, then I know there's an issue. I know the end result; I can't change it, and it sucks. But, we move on. It's human nature. I don't know if keeping my mouth shut is a good thing or not, but either way I can't control the cards that are dealt. It's out of my hands. All and all, liking one of your best friends really does suck a lot.
Family stuff. Whoo boy. I can't really even scratch the surface there. There's just so much tension sometimes that it's completely unbearable, but its sort of to be expected with whats going on lately. I think that everyone just knows that, yet again, the cards are doubt and its out of everyone's hands, which is why everyone's stressed. I know, for one, I'm stressed. I have never had tense muscles like this before. The end result is going to suck and I know I'm going to feel a huge hit from it, but its part of life, and I can't escape that.
I was watching a movie for class (Smoke Signals, if anyone was curious) and I picked up a quote from it that fits a lot of what life throws.
"Some days, its a good day to die; Some days, its a good day for breakfast."
Oh and for the record, I think I bought the nicest looking ring today.
It's a claddagh band. Yes, I'm not Irish, but the significance behind it is astounding. I normally don't wear jewelry on my fingers, but I can make an exception for this.
We all need more breakfast in our lives.