May 09, 2004 14:29
I am absolutly apalled and disguisted by the people who have abused the Iraqi POW's physically and sexually! When I read the paper and when I watch the news, it brings tears to my eyes. And according to Rumsfeld, he says it get's worse? That there is murder included in this investigation? What the hell is wrong with people? What are we over in Iraq for? "Supposivly" to help the Iraqi people and free them from Saddam and to run out a vile dictator who poses a threat to the rest of the world as well as his own country. So how has what those soldiers done to these people any better than what Saddam has done to them? Some people say "good for them. Look what they're doing." But this is a war. If someone is attacked, they are going to attack back. Isn't that exactly what we're doing in the Middle East right now? Why would these soldiers want to stoop to the level of uncivilized, uneducated, misinformed rebels? And not only that, but every single one of our soldiers are accounted for. Dead or alive. And it might sound horrible, but that is the price of war. I am against this war. I don't agree with it at all, but I do understand the effects of it. And not that I accept them, but that is a choice that I don't have. This whole scandal makes me embarrassed and ashamed to be who I am. And those are two things I have never ever felt about myself. I proudly hang the flag in front of my house and show signs of appreciation to our troops even tho I may not agree with the war. This is my country and I am proud of it. But after this, it makes me want even more to leave and live in Europe. Not that it will be much betterin another country, ever one has their faults, but all of the close mindedness and hate, and just flat out bullshit makes me want to be more educated on the rest of the world. Bla bla bla, I just had to get that out. It's been eating me up for the past week!