Grandma Kight; I love you

Sep 22, 2005 20:33

Tonight my grandma is going to die. She has been on life support for the past few days and today, my family decided that they would take her off of it. She had a massive stroke and will never recover. She is a vegtable now; until she decides to take the path to Heaven. When she gets there, she will be met by her husband, my Grandaddy Kight, her son and my Uncle Tommy (whom I've never met) and my recently departed Aunt Julie. I cried tonight when my mom told me. I didnt think it would effect me this much, but I started to cry when we were talking about it. My mom is a nurse and I've been brought up to think death is just a natural thing that happens in life. It's what happens to people when they get old, or sick, or happen to have a tradgey occur to them. My grandmother was old, her birthday was just two weeks ago, she was 89 years old. And I never called her to wish her a happy birthday. I meant to...but time got away from me. For some reason I thought guys and alcohol and partying were more important than actual family. And now I shed a tear for every minute that passed that I could have called her, just to talk to her and wish her a happy birthday.
My Grandma Kight was a wonderful woman. She lived through two World Wars, a depression, she was married and gave birth to seven children (the story goes my grandparents did not want to stop having kids until they had twins or reached twelve kids, but once my father, the seventh child, was born, her doctor told her she had to stop or she might not survie the next childbirth), she saw over tweleve grandchildren and many great-grandchildren.
Her house was a home that was one of the warmest and most welcoming places I have ever had the pleasure of being in. There was a certain smell about her house that WAS my grandma. A mixture of hardwood floors, clay, and fresh air. I loved being in that house and spending the night. I remember the dresser drawers that sat in the living room that was filled with toys. Every toy you could think was in there, for all of us grandkids. There was the little red chair that sat in the kitchen. It was the perfect height for a four year to stand on and help their grandmother was the dishes. I know this, because this was a chore I always forced my grandma to do with me when I came over to visit. Her and I washed the dishes. That was our fun.
My Grandmother was also an extermely skilled scultpress. She had been sculpting and making pottery for over fifty years. She even had a pottery studio in her backyard, seperate from her actual house. She taught lessons to eager students but always had an extra stool and lump of clay for her grandchildren. My sister and I spent hours in that studio on the weekends she babysat us when our parents had to work. We would make our own creations, and our grandmother oohing and ahhing over every piece, exclaiming each was perfect. She taught me how to throw on the wheel. Bet you didn't know I can take a lump of clay on a pottery wheel and turn it into a pretty good bowl. I can thanks to endless hours of practice with Grandma Kight.
She was always there with a comforting hug when my dad and I got into a fight. She was always there with twenty-five dollar check before I went back to school when I was home for a break. I hated taking her money, it made me feel so guilty. She always forced me to though. And we always left with a hug goodbye.
I wish I could leave her this time with a hug goodbye. A hug and a simple saying "Tell Granddaddy Kight and my Aunt Julie I said hi and that I miss them. Watch over me please, because I need an exceptional angel to do that and you are an exceptional person Grandma Kight." But no, there will be none of that this time. She is alone, waiting for God to take her to Heaven. I know He will take good care of her. And I know she will watch over me once she is up there. She was always there for me in life, and I wouldnt expect anything less from her once she passes on.

Elizabeth Watson Kight
Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother
We Love You With All Our Hearts <----a link to just a few pictures of some of her work
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