Dear Daniel

Aug 30, 2005 20:46

I give up. I offically have no idea what to do anymore about you and us and everything that goes between us. I am on my wit's end dealing with this stuff. I'm about to cry and pull my hair out right now. I CAN NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE DANIEL!! Seriously. Treat me like shit if you hate me or not care about me, but if this is how you show you care about someone, then you're an incredibaly fucked up individual. JUST STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you dont care about me, thats fine. Ill get over it, but STOP treating me like shit. I might deserve it sometimes and occassionally, but I DONT NOT DESERVE IT EVERY TIME WE TALK TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very sorry I had your name in my profile.See, silly me thought you might actually READ what it said and not just see your name in it. Stupid, silly Katie. When will i ever grow up and see the light? I guess I'm just a moron.
See, Laura and Jenna are wrong. See, what Ive been trying to tell you and talk to about since Saturday...after you hung up on Laura on Saturday, she got off the phone and the first thing out of her mouth was "omg, katie, he's totally in love with you." Jenna agreed with her and we argued for 30 minutes about you loving me. I laughed and then yelled at them because ive never heard of a more ridiculious thing in my life. YOU in love with ME????? HAHAHAHAHHAAHA. I think its more likely ill grow a penis before you love me. Its the most ludicrous thing Ive ever heard of. Thats the only thing Ive wanted to tell you in the past few days. Im sorry Ive been bothering you and irratating you.
BUt its a good thing you got online tonight! My profile, away message and facebook picture never would have been changed without your scarcastic comments. Thanks. Ive made the nessacary corrections that needed to be made. Im sorry Ive ruined your life and wasted it. Im sorry for the 1st two years and this past year (we wont count those two years that you didnt talk to me because i wasnt in your life at all). Im sorry ive been such a maggot and pestered you. im sorry ive been a leech and tried sucking the happiness out of you life when i was miserable.
Im over you, your shit, the way you treat me, and everything in general. Maybe its a good thing Im 320 miles away from VB. Maybe I can just start over and finally let you go and forget about you. Maybe thats what we BOTH need. You make me miserable and depressed and sucidial Daniel. No one else makes me feel as horrible as you make me feel. And i know I piss you off and hurt you. So why dont we just end this thing already? I know youve tried a thousand times, but im innatiating it this time. No more. Its over. Its done with. I mean, unless you ARE in love with me, and if you are, you need to tell me FAST because im not waiting any longer. Its ultimatium time. You either love me or get rid of me. I can not and WILL NOT waste anymore time or engry on this fucked up relationship of ours. Its too emotionally and mentally draining and i just can not take it anymore.

I love you with all my heart and probably more than i have ever loved another person. there will alwyas be a special place in my heart for you. you were my first love, the boy i lost my virginity to, the boy i drove 300 miles to see on a sunday for. Youve made me laugh and cry and love like i never have before. I love you Daniel, and I always will.

Forever yours,
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