Mar 23, 2006 21:00
Life's good.
I've been hanging out with SxD Sarah Cakes Ronan. I just realized, i have like a million names for her. there's those. then there's her real name Sarah Elizabeth Victoria Ronan, then theres Paris Hilton. Anndd of course Ambassador Swampass of rectumville. And my doodle bear, which i called her uhm, a couple days ago. no wow that was almost a week ago. weird.
Anyway, ive been hanging out with her more recently again. I spent Friday from like 4 on, then saturday spent until uhm, some time with her. and then tonight. And i think there might have been one other time this week...i really cant not sure.
good times tonight, even though we didnt do like anything.
Drove around in circles around ghetto-mexican-red bank. Almost got decapitated by one of those train signal gate things. went on the great lighter search, where we all had to find out lightersand it took forever. Fucking even greater went on the CIGARETTE search. We were all freaking out, and we were in some creepyass place. we never did find it... garauntee i find it some random day and have no idea where it came from. Then this creepy truck pulled up next to us and i talked to him, which was so intense.
I can't remember anything else right now cause I just had the most delicious ice cream sandwich. It was amazing. Peace.