(no subject)

Mar 20, 2011 02:06

Apparently I don't not like the beach. I don't like the PEOPLE. I just need to find a private beach for me and the kids to vacation to, or always go in the off season.

Today actually went pretty awesomely. Despite the headache and having to fight off a major panic attack. (Seriously, so many fucking people, omg, and I didn't know ANY of them. But while I was working myself into a tizzy over it, some other mom started having hysterics that her kid had a skinned up knee and that every time he went down on his knee it left a blood spot on his white uniform and no one had bandaids. First off, I never understood why a mom wouldn't carry bandaids, always. But anyways, after saving the day, and realizing another boy from our group didn't have any parents at the tournament, I got over myself.)

Davey's kata was fucking beautiful. Sharp and perfect and clean and his greeting was clear and I knew even before the judges gave their scores that he had the first place trophy. And he was several total points higher than the other boys. Ronnie & three other boys were in a four way tie for 2nd place, and after tie breakers Ronnie ended up in 5th, so he was kinda pissy, but there were 15 kids and it's their first tournament and Davey is a full belt higher than Ronnie anyway.

Shane (the one whose parents didn't come) got 2nd in kata for his division and totally got shafted for kumite. He had already been shafted for the weapons division because they said the ropes on his nunchucks were worn and they couldn't allow him to compete. But in kumite, they paired him with a kid that was seriously a foot taller than him and Shane was getting in two or three connecting hits to every one of this guy's and the other guy kept getting points, PLUS he got points for a kick when he actually kicked Shane in the face and busted his lip, which is against the rules and should be a penalty. I felt really bad for Shane, esp since his parents weren't there.

Anyway, for my guys' kumite division, Davey got knocked out pretty quick, but Ronnie was doing so freaking well until a freak accident when he lost his balance when his opponent kicked him and he came down right on his elbow. It's not broken (thankfully. Yall know my first thought was about Davey wanting to be like Bert, not Ronnie, lol) and he's got full range of motion and all that jazz but it's bruised and swollen and he couldn't continue his fight. So he got fourth place. But I was so so proud of both of them, and now that we know what to expect from tournaments, I think next month will be better.

After, we drove to Virginia Beach and spent a couple hours playing in the sand and made a bunch of sand castles in a huge fortress for the waves to wash away and teasing the seagulls, and we waited for the Super Moon to come up over the Atlantic (which really wasn't any more epic than any other moon I've seen, tbh - but I am wearing an Empires shirt today anyway, in honor of the full moon!), and then we went to play 3D Blacklight MiniGolf at Neptune's (which was fucking awesome - I'm totally having my birthday party there this year. Yall think I'm joking, but I'm serious as shit. Panic is playing Norva on June 2 and I'm going with Amy, Cliff, and thebunnyknows and whoever else is going to that show, and the boys have a tournament here in Va Beach on the 4th, so the afternoon of the 3rd, everyone is totally invited to come play Neptune's minigolf with me!) Then we walked on the beach some more and talked at the moon and the boys jumped around in the sand and we walked around the statues and read all the little plaques and things at the Naval Memorial Whatsit. Now we're sitting in the car, staring out at the edge of the world and eating chinese food and getting ready to head home.

It was an excellent, excellent Saturday. If you're friends with my brats on facebook, be sure to congratulate them on their wins. :)

karate, my kids, rl

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