I've been slacking the past couple days. Crazy work hours & a killer headache are muchly to blame. And
irisgirl12000. I meant to post this on Monday but I didn't, obviously.
What I Read This Weekend: This is not an all-inclusive list, just a sampling that I felt was worth reccing. Also, b/c I am a slacker, what I read is either written by someone on my flist, recced by someone on my flist (I seriously have enough things that have been recced to me to keep me busy for the entire summer), or from
Certain Things (Should Be Done Right)Author:
apple_piFandom: LotR
Rating: R
Summary: In which Merry and Pippin are drenched, Pippin sneezes, Merry is a fusspot, and it all comes out right in the end.
Warnings: Slash (try to contain your shock!)
Spoilers: Takes place after the War of the Ring and the Scouring of the Shire.
This was written for the 2007
remix_redux , and even though I never read the original fic, I really enjoyed this one. It's just quiet & easy & hobbity... very very lovely.
A Tom and Jerry StoryAuthor:
not_mandroidFandom: Supernatural/RPS crossover
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles, a bit of Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 4815 // 10 pages
Warnings: spoilers for "Nightshifter" & "The Usual Suspects"
Summary: Dean and Sam have split up to work on a case. While Dean's checking out a lead, AU!Jensen is a cop and recognizes Dean's face. There's a chase and then they end up sexing each other up in a motel off the highway [Request by ltlredhairdgirl]
This was written for Krystal for
slashfest, and I was really looking forward to it because I loved the prompt when she came up with it. And
not_mandroid did such an awesome job with it. Both Jensen and Dean are outrageously narcissistic, and the whole fic is just funny and hot and begs for a sequel. Plus? Jared is an undercover hooker.
virginie_mFandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 3000
Summary: Written for this prompt: Sam/Dean I want Sam to give Dean something before he leaves for Stanford…his bracelet, maybe? And I want Dean to wear it forever and for Sam to be pleased when he sees it after they're reunited.
Okay, so I'd been meaning to read this since it was posted to
slashfest, but didn't have a chance to until Sunday, and I'm so glad I did. It's so intense and beautiful and perfect, and the characterization is believable to me. Two things to note about the author: she hasn't seen S2 of SPN yet, and this is her first SPN fic. So she deserves some praise & encouragement, b/c this is awesome.
Time PassesAuthor:
wook77Fandom: HP
Pairing: Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnigan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Seamus starts marking time from the moment Dean's heart was broken.
I didn't read this one this weekend. I actually betad it a short while back and it's one of those things I couldn't wait to be able to rec. I love the pacing in this, and the way Seamus keeps track of time. Wook always manages to throw in these awesome lines and phrases that I absolutely love.
Two Straight Guys in Wisconsin: The Amazing Adventures of Chris and His CockAuthor:Rhys
Fandom: NSYNC popslash
Pairing: Chris/Lance
Rating: NC-17
Summary: So, the mini-summary on the author's page says "A very long story." The person that recced this to me just said "read it." And I'm really bad at summaries, so I checked out how other people summarized it and the best I can tell you is: They're in Wisconsin & Chris is crazy. Lance has a straight-guy crush on Chris, and then they have gay-but-still-straight sex with each other
I have no idea what it is about reading popslash, but I kinda love it and have a hard time explaining why. Some parts of this seriously had me laughing out loud though.
So, go read, enjoy, leave love and feedback. And if there's something you think I need to add to my To-Be-Read list, feel free to drop me a link in comments.