May 27, 2006 11:13
good god.
your a cunt.
After we've been friends for what, almost 5 or 6 years??
And now you just dont talk to me cos my friends all seem better than me to you.
And you say im shit?
Well guess what
Now your with her you just dont seem to give a shit about me.
And i dont care if your with her, fuck sake can everyone get that out of their heads!
Cos if your happy then honestly who gives a shit?
Not me.
But i cant say i care about you, cos everyone will be like "OMG ANNA STILL LIKES HIM MY GOD WHEN WILL SHE GET OVER THAT"
which is so untrue ¬_¬
i do care about you, you ARE my friend for fucks sake.
And you have to care for your friends, right? cos if you dont, then your not really their friend.
it just pisses me off how now its all DAVEANDSOPHIE WE NEED NO ONE ELSE YOU CAN ALL PISS.OFF.AND.DIE
really only need each other? Well fine, aslong as your happy. But if all you need is each other, dont come crawling to us when things go wrong or when you miss each other.
Cos if you only need each other, then you can sort it out your fucking selves.
And im sure im speaking for more than person here. Infact, no, i KNOW i am.
Everyone wants you to be happy, we're not saying that we dont. Just tone down the DAVEDAVEDAVE SOPHIESOPHIESOPHIE and look at your FRIENDS.
cos we're important to
ps. dont scream, dont have a go, cos it had to be said. by me or by someone else. it looks as though i was the only one who actually had to guts to tell you the truth. so if you wanted the truth, youve got it.
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