mini-fic I found in the back of my computer

Feb 21, 2010 01:00

Nny and Edgar.  Again, not really slash.

“That's very human of you, Johnny,” Edgar said quietly, proudly.  Johnny took offence.

How long would this fragile peace last? How long until he looked again into the mirror and saw something he didn't like? He stole blood from the donation bank to feed the wall. His heart just wasn't into killing anymore.


He knew Edgar well enough to know what he said wasn't meant the way it landed. There wasn't a mean-spirited bone in his body, not even in his ears or in his toes. Still, that didn't hold back the rage, the regret, the awful, searing insult he felt, for no reason, for absolutely no reason.  "That's very human of you, Johnny."  It made him sick.  It made him angry.  What's worse, he knew exactly why.  The normalcy, the domesticity, the pleasing tone and the proud little smile, it all filled him up like a glass held under a tap and God knows, no matter how long or convoluted the stupid thing is, unless it's a fucking Klein bottle or something it's gonna fucking fill up, overflow, and when it did, damn it all to hell if he was responsible for the aftermath.  It wasn't his fault.  That was it.


It took a lot out of him, being normal. Being okay. Seemed to him the more normal you got, the less interesting things were, and the more he thought about it, the less he appreciated how the voices no longer screeched at him in the dead of night or debated each other on whether or not he should kill himself. It just seemed like too much work to be worth it. Then again, the way he'd felt in their aftermath, on the top of that bookshelf, casting out his own tentative thoughts like a fisherman throwing a line made of a single strand of was enough to make him pause.

“...a-achhh...J-Johnny, stop...”

If only for a moment.

Edgar fell to the floor with a thud, face blue, eyes bugged out and staring; Johnny stood above him looking down. Problem solved, he thought. Domesticity solved. Normal solved.

Still, before he left, Johnny closed the man's eyelids as gently as he could. One last little thing.

nny/edgar, it's short but it's new, jthm, wtf is this shit?

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