Son if a bitch

Jan 03, 2009 12:05

Everything was going so goddamn well.

And then a few blocks from home I discover my cell phone is not where it should be, in my pocket. Nor is it anywhere in the Dad's truck. Which means that it had to have fallen out somewhere on the ferry.

He's going to check on his way back and email me about it, if he finds it, he'll express mail it to me, if he doesn't-- I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do.

The point is that I have no phone, which means I can't call you, you can't call me, and nobody can buzz in to the apartment.
And then I get home to discover my computer completely frozen and struggling to do the simplest things. Right now  it is grunting it's way through antivirus and anti adware stuff, and I am using sunshine's laptop which is having it's own issues, apparently.

Thank you universe, for fucking me over so soundly just as I expect the relief that comes with getting home after being away for a stretch.



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