Apr 14, 2004 13:55
ahh this is shit. grounded yet again. (wat a surprise)
lately ive been saying everything wit poop in it. so one of my teachers asked me if i had a fascination wity poop. but otday was early release n' i couldnt hang wit my girlie friend. whihc sucks donkey dick (threw in it thatpiece. tribute for american wedding) but wrk ois ohh so much fun. easter was one fun day. n' once i figure out how ot put pics in this bad boy ill show u my good pics from el skoolio. n' by the way i love my spanish if u wanna learn read below
put el before ever word n' add an o to the end
example: el skoolio.
but neways im out lyk poop in a toilet. but peace
i love u linds.
"wat is there to come
do we just sit here
n' ponder our lives
and wats new to you
n' how u feel
but do we feel
wat u feel"