rockchicks is in dire need of members to enter their contests. Every week they give us two hot rock chicks to make icons of. What more could you want? Current challenge ends 09/24 and features D'Arcy from Smashing Pumkins and Sarah McLachlan.
graphiclyyours is a place to share your icons and enter contests... the current icon challenge them is, well, telling someone to fuck off. LOL. That one ends 09/24 also.
icon_tutorial: Ever see an icon and wish you knew how they did it? You can probably find a tutorial for it here.
fontaddicts can help identify fonts for you, but check their Community Resource Pages first for the most popular fonts.
100x100_brushes is a place to get fantastic Photoshop/Paint Shop Pro icon sized brushes.
And, if you use Greatest Journal and want to enter some cool contests, my community Factory Direct is always looking for new members. Right now we have six open contests: a celebrity challenge, our regular icon contest, a regular friends only banner contest, a regular wallpaper contest and right now we're running a colorbar contest. So head over there if you have a GJ: