What is it that people use for motivation? I know of a few of the things that some people use, but these tend to be very specific motivators for specific tasks or goals - the women who quit smoking when they become pregnant so as not to harm the unborn child is one such example.
But what is it that motivates people in the overall sense? What drives them to do the basic things required by day-to-day life? For those who go beyond that, what do they use to keep themselves at it? Is there one overriding thing that motivates people, or is each and every person a complex stew of contradictory drives?
I use the words, "people" and "them" because I know the answer as it applies to me. I just can't figure anyone else out and can't help but wonder just what it is that drives them. I can't help but wonder if this is one of those things that I'm supposed to be learning about in this life.
As difficult as some life-lessons are to learn, they are infinitely easier than others - it's always easier to learn when you can figure out just what the fuck it is that you're supposed to be picking up on. One of the things I have hated the most in this life is getting smacked in the head with the same damned brick, over and over, but never being able to figure out why the fuckin' thing's gettin' chucked at me in the first fuckin' place. It's like letting your dog go about his doggy business, making a few mistakes here and there, waiting a day or two and then beating the shit out of him without warning. How the hell is the damn dog supposed to know why his ribs are getting kicked in?
Fuck. I wouldn't mind the damned brick so much if there was a fuckin' note attached. Shit.