Another Gay Sequel

Nov 08, 2008 10:29

I really liked "Another Gay Movie". The sequel "Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild" is a major disappointment. I believe the trauma from watching the movie caused me to forget to mention it in my SF2008 journal entries. None the less, I've posted a short review of it on as well as a rating of 0.5 stars. It's going through TLAvideo editorial review, but here is an elaboration of what I wrote.
I really enjoyed Todd Stephens' "Another Gay Movie". It was campy entertainment that poked fun at mainstream cinema and stereotypes. I received tickets to a pre-release version of "Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild" as a wedding gift. It was a cold evening and the line to enter was about 3 hours long and I believe the tickets were more than standard movie tickets, which themselves aren't cheap anymore. That said, it's pretty telling when a majority of the audience had left by the first 1/4 of the movie. We decided to stay the entire movie hoping for it to improve. It never did and by the time the lights came back on, we noticed that less than 1/5 of the audience remained. The jokes were dry and contrived and the scenarios just seem far fetched. Perez Hilton's character was annoying as could be. There was not enough RuPaul making product endorsements. A hotel pool mermaid?! I was hoping I had a harpoon to snd through the screen.

The opening scene explains that three of the original three actors decided not to do the sequel. The reason given by Todd Stephens in a very accusatory and angry tone was to prevent themselves from being typecasted into gay roles. While I accepted that at the time, one can find by searching that the actors have simply moved onto better roles since the original movie. Additionally, several have acted in either gay-themed TV/movies. I can only conclude that they simply wanted no part in this poorly written and directed trainwreck.

The one saving grace is the eye candy provided by Northern Virginia born Jake Mosser (replacement Andy). I thought he looked familiar....

movie, travel, review

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