last night was so sick. i love karen lakjdtlat.
and travis came!!! that made my night.
ryan was so wasted. it was so sick
josh wasnt...but idk. "you aint gotta lie to kick it?!"
am i right? ...
me and christina took trillions of pictures on everyones camera. i hope we left you a nice suprise
oh and we had a fatttt dance party and were sooo sweaty after. bleh haha.
i think that something is up..
but my confidence is starting to overpower my girlness so i feel alright.
i hope that im wrong. im pretty sure im not.
anyways...i want some pictures on this biiatch. so im going to put my favorites.
my 2 best friends
my favorite picture...ever. lol everytime i see this i just crack up. it makes me so happy. christina<33
aw laksjdtoa. my 2nd favorite. i swear everytime i see it i do the same exact smile. its like contagious <333 but on a side note i want to add that i know that i told everyone that my resloution was to devote this year to myself, not to be selfish, but to discover myself. and being that ive dealt with not the greatest relationships i was kind of like "eff dating". but i never thought that i could find someone who would HELP me find myself and who would help me grow, and i couldnt be more happy that i did :)
irony maybe. but true love cannot be hidden. <3 i love this one
my grandfather. one of the sickest people i barely know. this picture defines him so well. and yes he looks kind of white but he is full mexican.
one of the best birthday parties ever. i love dressing up more than anything. and i love that travis does too.
dang that ones huge... but yeaaa last but not LEAST!!!!! the movie that i cant seem to find that i want to watch terribly..
i think this concludes my show. have a wonderful day :)