Tits on a Boar Hog

Feb 11, 2009 11:48

If you've never heard that expression before, just think about it for a moment. Why would a male hog need mammary glands?

Well, that's how I feel; about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

I have plenty of work to do, but I don't want to do it. Why? Mostly because it seems pointless. Accomplishing it gives me no joy, and it serves no purpose other than to remove it from my desk.

Right now, I'm processing publications, which entails insuring that we have 20 copies of each document, sending out one copy to each of 12 people, taking 2 copies for the master files, and placing the remaining copies into a folder that will be placed on the shelf in case someone desires a hard copy.

First, we get relatively few requests for publications anymore. No one is interested, it seems. Secondly, even when someone is interested, most of the popular publications are available for free as PDFs on our website! Why should I have to pay the cost of mailing them, when anyone who wants them can just pop over to our site and download them?

Sure, there are a few that, for whatever reason, cannot be made into PDFs, but they are few and far between. I can see having hard copies of those on hand, but if it can be scanned, why are we wasting money printing and mailing it, when the end user can download it and print it on their bill? If the person does not have access to a computer (and those examples are getting fewer and fewer), then I will print up a copy and send it out to them, but I really can't see any reason not to consolidate everything to the Digital Age.

Aside from publications, most of my job revolves around maintaining our website which, frankly, is something I could train a monkey to do. It used to be that knowing how to make computers dance to your tune was a viable skill, but the Internet and advances in programming have made it easy for anyone to build and maintain a nice website with a minimum of effort.

As a result of dissatisfaction, I'm not very motivated to do my work. And since, at the end of each week, I have to submit a report explaining how I've earned my keep for the week, it doesn't look good if I put on it, "Did not feel like working." But thinking about that just makes me even less motivated.

At the point I'm at right now, I really don't care if I get fired or not. I've got a doctor's appointment in the morning and with any luck at all, he will tell me that the headache that has been plaguing me for the past four days is a tumor and I have only a week to live.
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