Update on Kanna's Health

Jan 12, 2009 11:45

As most of you are aware, I took Kanna to Tulane on Friday to have her eyes checked and we found that she had, in fact, lost a fair portion of vision in her remaining eye. As part of the procedure, the doctor dilated her eyes and broke up some scar tissue around the site of her former surgery. It is not uncommon for a patient’s eye to be blurry for several hours after being dilated, and Kanna’s usually return to normal within about 24 hours. Thus, we weren’t too concerned when she had difficulty seeing straight on Saturday. When it continued into yesterday, we became a little concerned. When she could not see well enough to drive into work this morning, we were alarmed.

She has contacted her doctor and he says that we should not be alarmed. Some patients remain blurred for as much as two weeks; others recover in a matter of hours. Still, we remain in a state of guarded awareness, as intense pain, nausea, or deflation of the eyeball would indicate a problem (the latter, quite obviously).
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