May 25, 2004 22:55
I just returned back to the ship after the first night out in Pattaya. We hopped on a bus from Sattihip to Pattaya where we got off and ate Pizza Hut. You may say, "You go to Thailand and have Pizza Hut?" Well, Pizza Hut here has been very Thailandized and isn't anything like it's American counterpart. After that I went to the Cherry Bar, it's an open-air bar. Last time we were there I met a girl named Oiy who worked there and yeah. Well, I set my foot on the first step and the girl there started clapping her hands and getting excited, and then I set foot on the second and then the third step. On the third step, all like 20 girls at the bar yelled, "Shane!!" Then they all went to go get Oiy and were yelling, "Oiy! Shane is here!! while waving her over and pointing to me. Then she comes running from behind the bar and was like, "I'm so happy to see you!" It was crazy like Cheers, they all new my name although I didn't know who most of the girls are. I guess Oiy had been telling them all about me. Well, we'll see what adventures I have tomorrow!