Feb 28, 2005 00:42
I probably should be adding more enteries into this journal than I have been lately, but things are in an awkward place right now and LJ just isn't a priority.
Jon, Alex and I went to see Constantine last night. I liked it a bunch, it was fairly intense with ideas and religious context that i doubt most people would understand. After the movie we spent alot of time (upwards of 5 hours) talking about classes and our majors; how we plan to proceed in our lives to come here in anteater land. Things are rapidly changing, and its been difficult to catch my breath.
I'm getting anxious about my RA and CA positions; I hope I get them. I'm almost scared to think about it, March 16th will be an interesting day to say the least.
Had a nice talk tonight with my neighbor Mike about "spirituality" and "belief." For the most part it was about how you don't have to have religion to be a spiritual person & construction of belief. Some stuff like that, I would like to hear more about his ideas. He seems fairly deterministic, which is cool enough. I guess I'm just more holistic myself, or at least I'd like to believe I am.
Well its about 1 in the morning now, and even though I did sleep until 2pm today I probably need to get to bed for my 8am class. I have my One on One with Leigh tomorrow, that'll be interesting & hopefully pleasant... Anyways, thats for tomorrow.
All my love