another culinary invention

Apr 23, 2024 22:00

I found that I had two cooked chicken breasts in the freezer that I wanted to use. So I thought of stir-fry.

I cut 12 ounces of peeled carrots into disks about a millimeter thick; 12 ounces of red bell pepper sections into slices about the same width; and the chicken breasts into strips half an inch wide, which I then cut along the length into pieces a quarter inch wide. I put the carrots into 1 1/2 ounces of heated sesame oil (I use raw, not liking the taste of the browned kind), stirred them around, and covered them for five minutes. Then I added the bell pepper for another five minutes, and then the chicken. I sprinkled on a teaspoon of ginger and half a teaspoon of garlic powder, and the juice of a lemon. After about five minutes more, I stirred a teaspoon of arrowroot powder into cold water, poured it in, and stirred it around and gave it five minutes at low temperature to thicken. That made four servings.

I served it over brown rice, with enough soy sauce for flavor. I thought it came out pretty well. It had the sweet effect that some Chinese dishes have, but with no sugar. We had sliced cucumber for a side dish; I had mine with rice vinegar, C had hers plain.
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