
Apr 08, 2024 17:31

We live outside the path of totality. But around 1 PM local time, I looked outside and noticed that the sky looked darker than usual, without being cloudy. So we went outside and looked at the crescent sun (through proper filters!) and admired the crescent-shaped spots of light within the shadow of the leaves on a nearby tree-an effect I though ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

marycatelli April 9 2024, 00:32:59 UTC
I looked outside to see whether it was darker. It was. Indeed, I took off my photosensitive glasses and it was no brighter than before.

The thing is that it doesn't change the quality of the light. It just grows dimmer, like a mirror's reflection.


sartorias April 9 2024, 02:49:32 UTC
I remember that effect in 2017!


shirebound April 9 2024, 11:12:15 UTC
Thank you for sharing. We were able to see the beginning phase of the eclipse before the clouds rolled in, but the dark sky and cooler temps were interesting to experience.


whswhs April 9 2024, 13:56:13 UTC
We missed the last solar eclipse because of overcast. It's disappointing when that happens.


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