Jun 13, 2005 10:24
During the past few months, i have had a huge desire to go make a return to organized religion. i've felt something (some One?) pulling me toward the church, and i was almost ready to give in and attempt to search for a new church home. then, i read what other former Bethelites are still struggling with in regards to leadership from an economically and politically driven institution. Bethel is no longer a church, but rather a means of making money with complete disregard for actual religion. God is about as present in that building as Michael Jackson's hand wasn't present in children's pants. (wow, that was a horrible analogy). it just kills me to know that one place and a few people could turn so many people from church when their primary goal should have been to encourage us to stay and grow in God. i'm just so very disappointed in Pastor Broadwater, his minions, and the Assemblies of God as a whole. That church started going downhill when Pastor McCullough left so that he could marry and be happy. yeah, that sounds so horrible. I'm just so disappointed that my last few years there were tainted, as well as the years to follow my leaving. If you're not safe at church, where else can you go?
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about P.W. After seeing him pray on television, i've been thinking about him a lot more. i just remember him as being a huge part of my life for such a long time. he was such an inspiration, and i knew that i could trust him with anything. maybe i just long for the years past when church was home, and he was family. "you can't go home again." maybe i can roadtrip it down to see him and his family. i really would love that.
i apologize for the rant. oh, wait. i don't.