For those of you attending TWH, here's some info and tentative plan stuff.
I'll be arriving Thursday afternoon (with
geoviki) and leaving Monday morning.
I'm staying at the Salem Waterfront with
I'm not presenting a darn thing, mostly because I put off committing to coming due to my HP malaise.
I'll have a cell phone.
I may have my laptop - I'm still trying to decide whether to bring it.
I'll definitely have a digital camera.
Dungeons cocktail party 6
Welcome Banquet 8
pornish_pixies party at Salem Beerworks 10
(probably) legal-oriented programming at Salem Waterfront morning
FictionAlley gathering Salem Beerworks 12
Group dinner evening
Snarry party Enginehouse Pizza 9
Ethics panel Salem Waterfront 9
Jenkins lunch 12
(probably) fandom-oriented programming at Hawthorne Hotel afternoon
(maybe) Dungeons dinner evening
Running back and forth like a madwoman between Salem Waterfront panels 1
Crossovers panel B&G 3
Halloween Ball 8