May 28, 2004 23:14
Name: Erin Sherman
Birthdate: June 18th 1987. Make sure to buy me lots and lots of presents. Diamonds are always welcome. lol
Birthplace: New Haven, CT.
Current location: West Haven, CT.
Eyes: Green/Grey/Blue.. they change dude.
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'2
Righty or Lefty: Righty tighty, Lefty loosey. lol I'm a weirdo and a definite righty.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Your heritage: English, Irish, Italian, and you know it I probably got it.
Your weakness: boys and chocolate. together or separate
Your shoes you wore today: black flip flops from old navy and for my night life (lol) I wore my AE pink high-heeled flip flops. You should get a pair.
Your fears: death, being alone, losing the people I love most
Your perfect pizza: pineapple pizza is yum.
Goal you'd like to achieve: to overcome some of my shyness. lol what has been with me lately?
Your thoughts first waking up: God, what is up with my hair and why did I have to be genetically betrayed?
Your best physical feature: My eyes
Your bedtime: I'm an insomniac
Your most missed memory: being normal lol
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Lets take Mcdonalds for 100
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: lol No preference
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate... duh.
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Smoke: No
Cuss: Sometimes lol
Sing: Yes and loud and off-key
Take showers daily: If I didn't you could shoot me
Have a crush: Who knows with me anymore?
Think you've been in love: No
Want to go college: Yes, of course.
Want to get married: Undecided. lol I think deep down I really want to
Believe in yourself: Sometimes.
Get motion sickness: Not really man.
Think you're attractive: No
Think you're a health freak: haha That'll be the day
Get along with your parents: Sometimes. Definitely NOT today though.
Like thunderstorms: Love em'
Play an instrument: lol haha I'm not musically inclined
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall: Yes. I was there today actually.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: lol Of course. Oreos were made to be eaten.
Eaten sushi: Yes, actually I have.
Been on stage: lol You betcha.
Gone skating: Nopeee... rollerblading, yes. ice skating, no.
Made homemade cookies: Hell Nah. lol I prefer store bought. They are easier
Gone skinny dipping: Nopeee
Dyed your hair: Nopeeee
Stolen anything: nope - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yesssss sir.
Been called a tease: yessss.
Got beaten up: nope. that's cause i'm robust and people are scared of me.
Age you hope to be married: um... 25?
Number and name of children: two sounds good
Dream wedding: In disney world at Cinderella's Castle. With Mickey and Minnie mouse doing the macarena.
How do you want to die: I'll take anything but drowning.
Where do you want to attend college: Salve? I'm honestly not sure.
Dream job: Something with lots and lots of people.
Country you want to visit: France
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: Blue... but honestly, it doesn't matter.
Best hair color: black or dark brown
Short or long hair: Short
Height: I like em tall, cause I'm short. lol
Best weight: Robust or Skinny... it don't matter.
Best clothing: Something original or really preppy.
Best first date location: In a tree fort haha lol I don't know... anything fun!
Best first kiss location: In the rainnnn or under the stars.
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
Number of CDs that I own: 100s
Number of piercings: 3
Number of tattoos: Nada
Number of times my name's been in the news: Five?
Number of scars on my body: 5
Number of things in my past that I regret.: 3