Mar 10, 2007 14:44
Well I haven't updated this is a while...mostly I have been lazy....not that I didn't have anything to say...just lazy....things with my family are going better...I mean I'm still not talking to my sister...but my parents understand why I'm not...but I'm not saying anything bad about's just I don't want the added pressure of her bugging me to hang out with her when I don't have the time/I don't wanna....she can come here....but she hardly does....I have to go there....oh well. but I will talk to her...possibly when school is over....that way I have a little more time ya know? I dunno maybe I'll have less time when i get outta school....hopefully I won't but ya know.
I am trying to get applications into workplaces now...I already applied to St. Luke's....I'll try Bassett....after that...not sure where else to look besides syracuse....yuckie! But I dunno....I'll hopefully be able to find SOMETHING some where....ya know. I just kinda still feel stuck right now sometimes I wish Pat never mentioned anything about proposing to me cuz I'm starting to get impatient now...and I know I shouldn't.....but it's hard damn it! I dunno...maybe part of me wants him too cuz I'm a little insecure cuz I'm afraid he'll leave me....but part of me knows he won't...I just always have that little voice because I have had promises made to me before and they have been broken. But he keeps assuring me that he won't leave me.
And I figure he won't...but ya know? I'm just scared sometimes cuz he's wicked awesome...sure we have our little tiffs....but who doesn't? So I just wanna be engaged so I feel like we are going somewhere I guess....I dunno I feel stuck cuz his job SUCKS ass and he's trying to look for a new one.....I'm stuck in school and work...I work when he doesn't have his son and I have off when he has him....which is okay but we can't do that SUCKS! I'l going to have to finish this later.