TIME. I needs it.

Mar 22, 2011 17:13

So I was gonna do longer posts about a couple things(and maybe I still will? Maybe?), but in case I don't, here's the short form...

The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band concert was amazing, <3 They didn't play Cosmic Cowboy or Ripplin' Waters, but then we didn't really expect them to since it wasn't on the set list, though we did hope. I don't know how many of you guys know this band, but they're one of the bands my dad raised me on so they're super important to me...I can remember listening to these songs and listening to him play them for me on his guitar ever since I was tiny. I fell in love with Jeff Hanna's voice, and I thought both he and Jimmy Ibbotson were just some of the coolest people ever. That said, it was sad, Jimmy not being up there with the rest of the guys...I wish he'd come back to the band, :( Oh, and something really interesting I found out that night, relating to what I was saying about them being one of the bands I was raised on...

One of my dad's best friends, Andy, and his wife came with us to the show, and we were all out to dinner before hand, and we were talking about favorite NGDB songs and I was telling him how much I love Cosmic Cowboy and he said "What about the one you're named after?" And I just kind of...froze. It was shocking, but in a totally, totally good way. See, if you haven't heard Ripplin' Waters, there's this part of it that says "Oh little Jennifer I'd give a penny for what you've got on your mind, seems like most of the time you're lyin' there dreamin'. Maybe in your vision you see how our mission is slightly less than divine; cut the telephone line and the story's the same." Anyway, dad used to sing that to me a lot when I was little and it was always kind of 'mine', and when we met Jimmy that time a few years ago he signed a cd for me to 'little Jennifer' and it made me all happy and fuzzy cause that's become one of mine and dad's things but...I never knew it's the actual reason dad wanted to name me Jennifer. I don't know, finding that out was just...super cool, :D

Anyway, they played Mr. Bojangles(of course, lol), American Dream, Dance Little Jean, Face On The Cutting Room Floor...tons of stuff, but those are some other favorites of mine. They played a newer song called The Resurrection that's absolutely amazing, and they ended with Will The Circle Be Unbroken, which was awesome, :D But the coolest part? Afterward, we got to go upstairs and get an autograph, and me and dad both got to talk to Jeff, and dad told him their music had been such a part of his life since the 60's, and I told him they'd been effecting me my entire life and I got my picture with him and Bob and it was just very, very, very cool, ^^

So then, spring break, we went up to Colonial Williamsburg, VA. And...ok super short version cause I'm rambling more than I intended to(I cannot be 'brief' about hardly anything, lol)...

For one thing, VA seems to love Pepsi. It may just have been our luck or the area we were in but it was everywhere we went and coke was hardly anywhere and by the time we hit the Tennessee line coming home I felt like I was about to blow my brains out, lmao BUT that's beside the point, haha Williamsburg was cool...actually cooler than I remembered, so that was really nice to find out. It's the history nerd kind of fun, and while I'm not a huge history nerd I do love history most of the time, so it was really interesting. Mom acted insane for a couple of days but that's a whole other can of worms that seems over now. The coolest thing, though, was that we got to go to Norfolk to pick Jess up from the Navy base and take her out to dinner, which ended up involving an impromptu drive to Virginia Beach where we wandered around aimlessly until we stopped at a random Chinese restaurant and then went back intending to walk on the beach...only it was freezing so we just took a couple of pictures and then went and looked at this truly ginormous statue of Neptune(that was super awesome) and then ran back to the car, lol

Anyway, it was a pretty fun trip, and I watched like...20 hours of Supernatural altogether, and I have some thoughts about some things from that, too, but that'll probably be a post all to its own eventually.

Big Bang...I do not have nearly the work done that I need to have done. I haven't had time to work on it hardly at all, but that's changing hopefully starting today. I've been planning some stuff this afternoon and...

Ok, here's the other thing. As I'm planning this stuff out, there's a couple things that seem like they're happening that I didn't originally intend to happen, and not that they won't work they're just complications and...*keysmash* lol I need...well, lots of time and sanity, but I don't expect to get either of those, haha I do need to find a way to make this whole thing work and come together at the end, thought...T.T

So...I'm gonna try to frantically work on it now and hopefully get something done, X.x

concerts, big bang, music, life

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