
Mar 11, 2011 00:16

Biochem test DONE, folkore test DONE...

Even though I have class tomorrow, my spring break sort of starts now...and now begins 4 nights of frantic writing considering I'll be going out of town without my computer next week, lol

God, I've missed lj, and fandom, and Winchesters, and...:)

Big Bang= happiness, ^^

And, in case you guys would like to see, the tiny preview I posted on the check in post yesterday, ^^:

The Inquisitor’s fingers lingered over the new tattoo on the inside of his wrist, brushing startlingly soft over the raw skin and Sam instinctively jerked. Compared to everything else it didn’t hurt, but the near blinding fear of this man was more crippling than any amount of pain. He knew the stories; he knew what those hands were capable of.

His touch stilled, steady and light just under Sam’s name. “Samuel, huh?” He smiled, just a little, and Sam was startled at the way it seemed to almost reach his eyes. “That was my brother’s name.”

supernatural, big bang, wincest, life

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