All forward motion counts

Mar 06, 2011 23:35

1. I have a plan for like, my entire year. I am now not graduating in May, but instead in December. I'm retaking the second half of physics over the summer with the professor I managed to replace my other physics D with an A with, and then in the fall I'm taking the second half of gen chem along with a few english classes to give myself an english minor. And I'm applying to grad school with the english department with the intent of getting a master's in english with a concentration in creative writing, with which I'll be able to teach writing/lit at the college level. And at that point I can decide if I want to a. Keep taking classes on the side to raise my science GPA and better my chances of getting into vet school or b. Just go for the english thing.

Because if I've learned anything about myself this past week, it's that I don't actually know what I want anymore. I need lots of time to figure that out, and this gives me that, but I'll still be going somewhere too, I won't just be sitting around not heading toward anything.

2. I have awesome friends, IRL as well as here...I've been pretty much MIA for the past few months, and tons of you guys still were so supportive when I was really upset about all of this so...thank you for being completely awesome people, <3 And the consensus from all my friends here has been that they'd still stick with me if I ended up as a janitor so...I think I need to follow some Winchester Wisdom, both blood and people who have earned the title of family...they're all that really matters.

3. I actually wrote Supernatural again! And honestly? It made me happier than anything has since this whole mess started. I need my boys. All of them. ^^ I think how disappointed I was in season 5/6 effected me kind of evaporating away for awhile, but it shouldn't have, both because there's still 1-4 that I love, and because that's kind of what writing fanfic is about sometimes...fixing things you want to fix, XD And besides, I'm lovin' it now anyway, but...bottom line, I think Supernatural is good medicine. And I need more of it.

4. Related to that, I have an idea for Big Bang! When I signed up in January, I was thinking I'd try to use a Jensen/JDM that I've been working on for awhile, but I was worried because I didn't think it'd be long enough. After friday, I realized what I both really needed and wanted was to write actual Supernatural, but I was clueless other than that, until I looked through my plot bunny file tonight and found the perfect one. Wincest AU. Protective!Dean. It'll be great.

5. I have hw I should do. But I need a break. Like, I literally need a break about as much as I need air right now. So I am writing tonight, and probably posting some fic tonight; screw everything else.

Things are looking up. :)

fanfiction, supernatural, big bang, life

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