Weekend At Bobby's

Oct 16, 2010 01:39

Seriously, I have the craziest stupid grin on my face...I didn't think it'd be possible for me to love an episode this season, but this was just epic. It's a little sad that I loved it more because the boys were in it less, but that's beside the point and I'm too happy to worry about it.

This was AWESOME. I loved, loved, loved the focus on Bobby for several reasons. One, we've never really seen him like this. We've always just seen him through the boys eyes, never really gotten the chance to see how Bobby lives on a day to day basis. And honestly, it really shocked me...and then it didn't. And I'll explain that, lol See, I knew he was their lifeline, their family and their greatest help. Of course, we all know that. But what surprised me was how many others he helps...but then it didn't, once I thought about it, because it's Bobby. No matter how rough he is on the outside or how abrasive he can be when he's pissed, he's got a heart of freaking gold. If he can help someone, he will. I love that about him, and I loved seeing it here.

I loved Rufus. I mean, I already loved Rufus but he was just awesome tonight. We got to see him as a hunter and as a person, which we've gotten a little of before but only in tantalizing tidbits, and this was even better. I really enjoyed that.

Also, though I loved Dean's "...more important than Sam?", because if you know me at all, you know how much that means to me, the fact that Sam's the most important thing in the world to Dean. I loved that. And I agree that Dean needs to get to the bottom of what the fuck's wrong with Sam. But. But...they needed to fucking help Bobby, and sometimes, it takes a bit of slap in the face to realize when you're being an ass. I mean, calling Bobby selfish? I'm not sure he's ever been selfish a day in his life. I mean, only time really was when his wife was back from the dead, and could you blame him? I couldn't, not really. And either way, he still did the right thing in the end. Point is, it's not so much that they 'owed' Bobby, cause I'm not a fan of that term when you're that close to somebody...family/super close friends should never 'owe' each other anything. But you just do it because you love them, because it's right, because they'd do the same for you. With Bobby, I think Sam and Dean kind of treat him the way lots of people treat their parents...the whole "oh, well it's your job to look after me!". They just expect Bobby to be there...like Sam said, they take him for granted. They never consider that sometimes, he might not can fix everything and sometimes, he might have some shit of his own he's going through. I mean, like he asked, did they fucking forget Crowley owned his ass? Granted, I can understand forgetting, what with Sam being in hell and Dean going through losing him, but goddamn...

And I know it probably seemed like I jumped back and forth sides of the fence there, but really on that issue, I don't. Bobby was right to call them out, and I'm so glad he did. I'm just sayin', too, that people screw up, and Sam and Dean both had a lot on their minds, and they weren't used to worrying about Bobby, because I think in their eyes he was invincible. Or nearly so, at least.

Crowley...where to start with Crowley...;) You know, it's crazy, but I adore him. And I mean no, it's really nuts, because I hate demons. Hate them. Like, that was the reason I knew I could never trust Ruby, because she was a demon. I knew she'd double cross them, because it's what she was. But Crowley...gah. T.T I don't know if it's because Mark Sheppard is pretty damn pretty(lol, didn't even mean for that to go together like that, XD), or if it's because Crowley's funny, or because he's based off Crowley from Good Omens who I fucking adore, or if it's his hedonistic but slightly less outright evil attitude, but I suspect it's more likely some combination of all of the above. I just love him; I can't help it. Even when I want to hate him. And finding out he was Scottish? Yeah, that totally made me love him even more, lol God, I love the reason he sold his soul. I think I laughed my ass off, all while thinking "...is it terrible that that's something to add to my list of reasons why sex with Crowley would be kick ass?", LOL But yeah he just...he was awesome, here. I love that he's the king of hell now, and that he tried to turn the place around. I hate that he's getting discouraged, because before he never would've thought demons deserved to be destroyed, but I guess he's finding out they're not all like him, or even mostly like him. He's got some laziness in him...he wants things the way he wants them, but he doesn't want to do too much to get them there.

Anyway, all of that about loving him said, I love how Bobby and the boys trapped him. It was ingenious and totally awesome, and I loved the use of his son. Although if I'm brutally honest I have to say, I wanted to see him give a shit about his son, because I like the idea of a demon still having love for someone. But, I know part of that desire to see him love someone is just my love of Crowley coming through. Anyway, that was great, and I'm glad, too, that they let him go.

Oh, and I loved Bobby's new neighbor...I though she seemed really sweet, and it's kind of a shame it seems we're not gonna see more of her. If only she'd been like...I don't know, I don't know the word I'm looking for, but I'd have loved to see Bobby be able to marry again, to someone who could understand him and the life and love him anyway. I really liked her, though. (Though I have to say, I also loved laughing at the wood chipper scene, and Bobby's "yeah I could come over for dinner sometime, that could be fun" XD Me: Not the time Bobby. Not the time. LMAO)

Anyway, that was wonderful, and so far exceeded my expectations, which was fantastic. ^^

episode response, supernatural

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