Right…so here’s my responses to the New Moon soundtrack songs on my first straight through listen. Keep in mind, this review is just my honest personal opinions and, while I like a wide, wide variety of musical styles I hate only polka, Chicago blues, jam bands and jazz and tend to dislike only rap and indie. So…yeah.
Meet Me On The Equinox- I LOVE this song!! Yes, yes, yes a thousand times. This one is in the style of the Twilight soundtrack that I love so damn much, and it’s just perfect. It fits the mood of the series and the subject matter and is just in all ways amazing, pretty much. I love his voice.
Friends-Well, it’s got electric guitar at least, I can say that. It’s alright…reminds me a bit of how I felt about Flightless Bird, American Mouth when I first heard it. I was like “hm, alright”, but then it really grew on me after I heard it in context, so I think I’m gonna like this one.
Hearing Damage-…eh. Just eh. Bland, but it’s indie so that’s to be expected. I don’t hate it but I don’t like it either…it’s like eating snow cream, it doesn’t taste like anything, but maybe the context it’s in can make it better…I honestly doubt I’d have liked Eyes On Fire if it hadn’t been paired with that shot of Edward’s black eyes, so who knows…
Possibility-….please shoot me. The lyrics? Ok, yes, the lyrics totally fit. But the song? *shudders in absolute hatred*
White Demon Love Song- I think I will love this one. I like it pretty well already, but that’s to be expected because a. The Killers are awesome and b. it has a kick ass title. <3 haha Anyway, it definitely stands out from all the indie on the soundtrack and I think it’ll grow on me even more.
Satellite Heart- PRETTY guitar intro! And then…God, I hate her voice. Why must all female indie vocalists sound like creepy young librarians trying to whisper sing??? Geez… That said, this is better than Possibility. But not my style. I do think this(and the whole cd, really)has the possibility to grow on me. I definitely like the lyrics on this one, especially in the later parts of the song.
I Belong To You- Oh hell yes!!!! Muse FTW!!! I mean, what is there to say, really? Muse is beyond fuckin’ amazing and this song has that rocking groove that just reaches down into your bones and pulls your soul out toward the notes like a moth to a flame and….yeah, can anyone get that I love music? Haha But yes…this one has that resonance that just calls to me like all the music I love does. Yesyeyesyesyes *pets it*
Rosyln-LOVED the guitar intro. Gorgeous. I was looking forward to hearing this one cause I liked all the Bon Iver my cousin played for me a few weeks ago. I like his strange voice, and for me that makes his stuff stand out a little. Honestly, I actually like the banjo in this which is weird for me because I usually hate banjo, but I like it when it’s quiet and atmospheric and not jangly, and this is. I mean, this song is spectacularly strange, but I kind of like it.
Done All Wrong-ooo cool first chord! *fingers itch for guitar* Oh yes a man…thank you…if it’s gonna be indie, at least a guy singing it makes it much better(for me and my tastes, at least). Eh…better, cause it’s got that little bit of Appalachian flavor. So-so. :/
Monsters-…*gaspshockdie* OMG it has a beat! It has life!! *clings* I mean, it’s still indie, but it leaps to the top of best tracks on the cd because honestly, there’s not much competition. So yeah, I can see myself really really loving this one in the long run. I can see this being used for the pack…
The Violet Hour- See, this album proves exactly what I’ve always said about indie. With the exception of Muse and The Killers and Death Cab For Cute this whole cd could almost be one continuous song. IT ALL SOUNDS ALMOST THE SAME. I mean, this is ok, but it’s…it’s just bland.
Shooting The Moon-Again, like the guitar. For a second, it reminds me almost of parts of Pretty. Odd. But then the drum gets fucking annoying. And what the hell is up with the synthesizer? Synthesizer only belongs in progressive rock, psychedelic rock and disco…this is none of those, and it doesn’t fit.
Slow Life- Just like the title sounds. Painfully. Slow. Emphasis on the painfully. And did I say bland? Yeah. Bland. And it sounds like the Where The Wild Things Are preview, which is not how New Moon should sound.
No Sound But The Wind- Well, I love that first line “We can never go home; we no longer have one”, but damn I hate his voice. It’s…too…odd, and like it’s trying to be lounge lizard doing indie. I mean, I love me some Dean Martin and Harry Connick Jr. and such, but not in this style, and this isn’t even quite that. And, it’s still just plain bland.
New Moon(The Meadow)-ooo yes! This is just the right amount of haunting and it’s perfect for New Moon! It feels like dark and falling leaves and beautiful quiet despair and loss and hope and so much at once. One of my friends said they think it would’ve been a better lullaby but I don’t think so, I think it’s too dark and deep, but I love it for that. Absolutely beautiful. It reminds me of the soundtrack one of the people I graduated high school with wrote for the production of Jane Eyre our theatre group put on…
So, my thoughts in all?
I’d have to say I recommend it, but ONLY to hardcore Twilight fans or indie music fans(whether they like Twilight or not). For Twilight fans, it’s worth it for the Muse song alone, but I Belong To You, Meet Me On The Equinox, White Demon Love Song, and New Moon are all well worth the price of the cd. Besides, we need to support them. But for my part, I know I definitely won’t be listening to this cd like I did the first one, and I plan to write a review at Amazon to get it out there that I would prefer a return to something like the Twilight soundtrack for Eclipse. In fact, I’ll probably be listening to pretty much only those songs I mentioned off of this cd.
So, overall…3 stars, but only because it’s Twilight. If it wasn’t, I’d just have downloaded the handful of songs I liked and not bothered with the rest. As one of my friends said, this just doesn’t have much substance to it. It’s weak, and that’s disappointing.
Ah well. We got so lucky with the first one, this was sort of bound to happen.
Here’s hoping Eclipse is better…