So I meant to do an episode response for LOST every week like I do for Supernatural, and that kind of vanished after the first couple. or maybe the first one, who knows. :/
Anyway I don't really have time to do it right now, but I just had to say a few things:
-I am so phenomenally proud of Jack. This season he's finally become the man I always knew he could be, and I love him to pieces. He's come so far, and I truly believe he's the new Jacob.
-I cried for Sayid, because there at the end, he was himself again. I cried for Jin and Sun because they were finally back together and so in love and they had a daughter that had never met her father, and for a dozen other little reasons, but mostly? I cried for Jack, standing there on the beach alone, still in the process of learning how to let go and how to hold on and how to do everything else in between.
-I fucking hate the black smoke man. Enough said.
-I'm wondering if Claire might come to her sense again.
-Flash sideways!Claire and Flash sideways!Jack are killing me. That's what I've wanted to see between them, them really becoming siblings. &hearts
-I'm a Kate/Sawyer shipper all the way, most of the time. But tonight I saw so much evidence for Jack/Sawyer it was ridiculous. I hardcore want to read fics for them spawned by this episode now.
And I probably have more to say, but I gotta run and study. argh.