New Christian Kane EP! <3

Mar 09, 2010 14:01

So, new Christian Kane EP today!! I'm a little annoyed that we could only download it as MP3's cause I hate doing that, and I will NEVER have iTunes so I had to download it from Amazon 1 track at a time, but whatever you do what you have to's worth it. And the money goes to Chris, so I can't say I mind too terribly much, because damn he deserves it. Anyway...

1. American Made- first, can I just say HELL YES!!! :D This song has got everything a good fun style country song should have. It rocks, it's country, his voice just fits it so damn perfect, and I can see myself playing it loud with the windows down and hot Tennessee summer air and...*happy sigh* It's perfect. And I love the reminds me a lot of California Girls by the Beach Boys, but as much as I love them and I'm an old Beach Boys fan, I like American Made better. ^^ It's so awesome to finally have a version of this song that isn't a recorded version on youtube, haha (oh and the "She's got a tattoo on her ass that says USDA"? LMFAO, God, Chris just...*shakes head* I love you. that is all.)

2. House Rules- I hardcore love House Rules, of course. But, just like all the other old songs on here, I like the sony versions better. is this just cause I'm used to hearing them over and over? probably. these aren't BAD, not by any stretch, I love them...they're just not what I'm used to. But fuck yes, House Rules rocks. <3

3. Whiskey In Mind- see, the beginning's just not as biting and hardcore to me as the sony version was...but still, I love it of course. I do like that this one seems a TINY bit clearer. Amazing fun song, just like it was the first time I heard it. :)

4. Making Circles- Ok, so I could tinhat this so hard. Seriously. And just btw, I have NEVER tinhatted ANY RPS pair but these two. Geez boys. I mean, most of the time I have the tinhat off, but if I put it on, this song would be OMFG YES SO MUCH THIS. in a very angsty painful way. I want to see fic for this like, yesterday. But I want it to have a happy ending. I mean goddamn Chris..."this can't get much better, but it can't get much worse. either way we turn, it's gonna hurt" X.X There's kind of no words for how much I love this, hat or no hat it's a freaking beautiful song. And I love that he's pretty much the ONLY country artist I've ever heard bold enough to use 'fuck' in a country song. That's m' boy. <3 <3 <3

5. Let Me Go- Ok, so I still love this version, BUT of the three songs we already had, I think this is the weakest in its new form. I miss the "it's so cold outside your arms" that he took out, and I just...I don't know, I just like the other one better. I mean this is good but it just doesn't feel quite the same. Lucky for us, we've got both versions. :P

Overall, it's fucking amazing, 10 billion stars, and I'm gonna be listening to it over and over for the next few days. and now I can't wait for a full album. *waits impatiently*

music review, music

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