All the Devils Are Here

Sep 17, 2012 02:17

Title: All the Devils Are Here
Genre and/or Pairing: Avengers movieverse/Supernatural crossover; Clint/Coulson
Warnings: language, sex, angsty-ness regarding Clint's soul...
Word Count: WIP
Summary: In the wake of losing Phil, Clint makes a choice that he's not sure he beileves, only to find he really is going to have to live with the consequences.

I called this a verse, and it sort of is, but mostly it's really just one story that's told in varying length-ed chapters because I started this when my arm was still having lots and lots of trouble.



If Wishes Were Horses...

An Incredible Machine

Too Late To Apologize

masterpost, all the devils are here verse, avengers, clint/coulson

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