(no subject)

Nov 18, 2005 23:40

i need there to be a potterfan online right now wah. anyone? beuler?

oh em gee, oh em gee. seriously. i am going to have to do this pointform.
1) freaking beautiful cinematography. i'm no expert, but ooooh pretty.
2) ok, so we all ought to be used to them taking liberties. and they sure did. but i think that it made the movie work as a movie, which has so far been the challenge. although there were a few timeline jumps that made me go huh?
3) someone must have taken dan radcliff to an acting class, because he is actually quite good now. which makes me happy. i always loved emma and rupert, and they are really good. really. yay!
4) cedric, omg. get that boy another role (i should learn his name) so that i can watch him in more things. muffin, i love him. wah. v. sad. but cedric is totally the new oliver.
5) the cgi is incredible. incredible. i feel like this series is a timeline of computer graphics - cardboard cut out quidditch in ps/ss to this - gillyweed harry and flying dragon and i was questioning when they used models and when they used animation. amazing.
6) krum is hot. what is with that? anyway, not complaining.
7) ah, the things that are left out - spew and all thing house-elf, the fleur's veelaness (unless that is a fandom thing that has totally ingrained itself on my brain), and i'm sure lots of little thing. people say other people's lines, things are moved around, but we ought to be used to that.
8) i need to see it again, and again and again. no kidding. maybe in imax. although that might make me nauseus.
9) wah, aileen. tear.

eta (am going to be eta-ing all night, btw): 10) snape! rickman! whatever, hummina. and the snape/harry slashers go wheee! cause dude, the long glances. but anyway. rickman!
and11) ralph finnes is freaking unbelievable. so good, the creepy elegance. the floaty cloak, and he was all smooth and slick and SO FREAKING SCARY.
12) the twins! i love them! the movie had really good comedic relief, at parts where you really needed it, but not where it would have been inappropriate. mcgonagall was especially good.
13) "i love magic" me too, harry, me too. btw, the whole death eater quidditch cup scene was strange. where did all the people go? i get they were cutting the house elves, so the wand confusion went away, but it's totally silent and empty and sure, really creepy, but it made me go huh? good filmmaking though. something that works on screen, but if you'd written it would have sounded strange.
14) "i'm not ready for this" omg harry i love you. sob and wibble.
15) cho is irish! i think! (aileen?) it surprised me. totally. but she sounded cute, i liked the actress, too. she was well done.
16) i definitely thought we'd at least get to see charlie this time. come on, now. dragonskin!!!!! hotness! sigh.

in other words, really incredible. although hp3 was my favourite book, this comes in close for my favourite movie. it needs to settle for a bit, though.

gof, hp

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